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to Hauser et al) The disorder affects men and women more or less equally and occurs at all ages and all times of the year There is controversy regarding an increased incidence in women during the third trimester of pregnancy, particularly in the 2 weeks preceding delivery and in the rst 2 weeks postpartum; up to a threefold increase has been cited by some authors, but others have failed to nd this disproportionate number of cases Supporting a proclivity for facial palsy are scattered reports of a recurrence with each pregnancy Bell s palsy is probably more common in diabetic patients and possibly in those with hypertension than in the healthy population As one might expect, the opportunity to examine the facial nerve in the course of Bell s palsy occurs very rarely.

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C# PDF - 417 Reader SDK to read, scan PDF - 417 in C#. NET class ...
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Only a handful of such cases are on record, all showing varying degrees of degeneration of nerve bers One case was said to show in ammatory changes, but these may have been misinterpreted (see Karnes) Regarding the causation of Bell s palsy, a viral agent has long been suspected as discussed by Baringer Only in the past few years, however, has such a mechanism been established with a reasonable degree of certainty for the majority of cases formerly considered to be idiopathic Burgess and colleagues identi ed the genome of herpes simplex virus (HSV) in the geniculate ganglion of an elderly man who died 6 weeks after the onset of Bell s palsy.

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As statedat the beginningof the previoussection,cubic splinesare most frequently used in practice.The shortcomings Iinearand qr"radratic of splineshave alreadybeendiscussed. they tend to exhibit the instabilities Quarlic ol higher-ordersplinesare not usedbecause inherentin higher-order polynomials.Cubic splinesareprefered because they provide the simplestrepresentation exhibitsthe desiredappearance smoothness. that of Tlre objective in cubic splinesis to derive a third-orderpolynomial for eachinterval betweenknots as represented generallyby s , ( , r ) : a i ' l b , ( . r - . r , ) * c i ( . r - , r i ) 2 + r / , ( . r- . r i ) 3

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